Dinner lady in University cafe today:
“You lot are obsessed with caffeine.”
Dinner lady in University cafe today:
“You lot are obsessed with caffeine.”
Smartphone gloves: all fingers are covered except for an index finger (and perhaps a thumb) which are left open like on the fingerless gloves that market traders and the like wear so that you can operate your capacitive sensing-based screen without taking your gloves off.
Walking up the steps in the Apple Store t’other day. Person in front of me was dressed, to a first approximation, identically—Doc Martens, pinstripe trousers, long-sleeved black T-shirt, with a stubbly beard and slightly grown out hair, carrying a messenger bag.
Wild coincidence—or am I just a bloody hipster cliché 😉
You know that you are at a party full of geeks when: