"Real Artists Ship"

Colin Johnson’s blog

Archive for the ‘Geeks’ Category

We Turn it into Theorems

Wednesday, April 6th, 2011

Dinner lady in University cafe today:

“You lot are obsessed with caffeine.”

Invention (1)

Wednesday, December 8th, 2010

Smartphone gloves: all fingers are covered except for an index finger (and perhaps a thumb) which are left open like on the fingerless gloves that market traders and the like wear so that you can operate your capacitive sensing-based screen without taking your gloves off.

Apple Store Encounters

Sunday, September 12th, 2010

Walking up the steps in the Apple Store t’other day. Person in front of me was dressed, to a first approximation, identically—Doc Martens, pinstripe trousers, long-sleeved black T-shirt, with a stubbly beard and slightly grown out hair, carrying a messenger bag.

Wild coincidence—or am I just a bloody hipster cliché 😉

Geek Party

Monday, February 1st, 2010

You know that you are at a party full of geeks when:

  1. The music goes off suddenly, because the network that was streaming music off the web goes down. Half a dozen PhD students dash to help to try and fix the network;
  2. The silence is punctured by the sound, from the next room, of half-a-dozen stoned physicists having a rambling argument about the theory of relativity;
  3. Meanwhile, two people are sat in front of me playing chess, and taking a swig from a bottle of vodka whenever a piece is taken.